easyAudio conference calls via mobile phone?
36 views 0 11. Januar 2019 24. January 2019 fgoetz
We are often faced with the question of whether meetgreen telephone conferences also work with a mobile phone. Clear answer: Yes.
With meetgreen, you can dial into the conference call either from a landline or a mobile phone. Crucially, you can type in the required conference PIN through your phone’s keyboard.
Even more flexible by mobile phone during conference calls
In fact, telephone calls are very often used with a mobile phone. The advantage of conference calls is above all the high flexibility, so that you can easily and from anywhere to take part in an appointment.
It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting at your desk or on the road or in the park. The only important thing is that there is mobile phone reception.
Dial-in costs with mobile phone
Dial-in to the meetgreen conference call is (in Germany) via the number
030 868 7575 757.
There is no extra charge for the use of the telephone conference at meetgreen. The conference leader, too, only pays his own share of the conference call.